Most car problems are quiet common, and are experienced by many drivers every day. Fortunately, most of the common car problems are not very serious and can be viewed as early indicators of more serious problems in future, if ignored. Some of the problems can be repaired by car owners themselves while others should be addressed by experienced professionals.
Engine Knock
This is a common problem shared by many drivers. Many mechanics receive complaints of the engine producing a nagging, knocking sound. The most common cause of an engine knock is the presence of clearance between valve train components. This problem can be persistent. Avoid repairing an engine knock yourself; this problem should be addressed by qualified mechanics.
Squeaky Brakes
This is another common car problem. Squeaky car brakes force many drivers to turn up the volume of their car stereos just to drown the sound of the brakes. However, drivers should not confuse drowning the squeaky sound with repair. Many factors may cause squeaky brakes. The main cause is usually vibration of certain car components such as:
• Pads and caliphers
• Pads and rotors
• Caliphers and the mounts
• Shoes and the drums
• Shoes and brake plates
This is another car problem best addressed by qualified mechanics, unless you are really good in car maintenance.
Check Engine Light
There are times when the check engine light goes on and off without stopping. This is a sign that the car’s computer chip has detected a problem with the emission system. A diagnostic scan can determine the exact cause of the emission system failure. However, just because the check engine light stays on does not mean you have to start saving for a costly repair in future, because this could be the result of a number of minor problems. Dealerships like www.stgeorgevw.com are great places to go and get the check engine light looked at, and to determine if it means you’ll need even more work done.
Car Veers to one Side
One way to check if there are problems with the steering is to let your hands off the steering wheel while driving. If the car begins to veer to the left or right side of the road or if you have to control the steering wheel to ensure the car does not veer to either side of the road, then the car has an alignment problem. This is not a problem you can fix yourself. Taking the car for realignment would solve the problem.
Engine is Unable to Crank
If you try to start the engine, but it does not crank successfully, then the car has a problem with the starter. When you turn the key, the car should start. If that does not happen or if you turn the key and even the lights do not turn on, then the battery has a problem. In addition, if you turn the key and the car starts, but quickly stalls, the most probable reasons for this are lack of gasoline or a faulty fuel pump.