While weather can be predicted at a fairly successful rate, where you’re at and what you’re doing can have an effect on what you should do in order to stay safe. This is a major concern when camping in an RV because there are certain things you need to do in order to stay safe as possible when it storms. Below is some advice on what safety precautions you should take when traveling in an RV and bad weather strikes.
Precautionary Procedures
When a bad storm looks like its moving in on your camp site, one of the first things you should do is put the RV’s awning up. This will help prevent possible damage to it, as well as eliminate a potential lightning conductor. Next step is to pack up everything you have outside and put in a storage area either inside or on the exterior storage spaces. You’ll want to do this because it can be difficult to locate items that might get swept away by the wind. After all that is done, your best option is to simply wait the storm out in the comfort of the RV. However, if the storm is severe enough that a tornado is possible, you should seek shelter right away, but not in the RV. RV’s are vulnerable to being picked up and thrown in the case a tornado touches down close to you. The best place for you to go and take cover is the campgrounds clubhouse, or the nearest ditch if you have no time to get to the clubhouse.
What You should have with You
Worst case scenarios aside, when storms move in on your camp site, you should have a few things with you. First thing you should have is a radio that runs on batteries in case the power goes out. This will allow for you to stay up to date with what is happening and what could potentially happen. If things start to take a turn for the worse, you will be able to know about it. Your phone is also important to have so you can make emergency calls if necessary. Having flashlights readily available is also critical in the case the power goes out.
Aside from the radio and phone, you should have a few other things in the RV. Board games and cards are a great way to pass the time while waiting for the storm to pass through. If you’re a movie buff, having some DVD’s to watch would be a good idea. Essentially, anything that can provide entertainment while it’s storming can help pass the time until you can get back outdoors. Having ponchos and umbrellas can come in handy, especially when cleaning up your things outside or putting the awning up.
While everyone always hopes that they don’t have bad weather when they are on a weekend trip or vacation, sometimes we can’t control when bad weather strikes. By taking a few minutes to make sure you have all the important items in the case of bad weather, you will be ready when it happens rather than scrambling around trying to get things done.
Sammy Jo is a writer for Quality RV, a premium motorhome and RV dealer in Missouri. Sammy loves to travel and to write about travelling tips for motorhome enthusiasts.