If you are a snowboarder looking to take your boarding to the next level, you might not know where to start. Instead of seeking out the rewards of others to display on your wall or website, you are interested in using snowboarding to reward your body. You are seeking the physical and health benefits of snowboarding. Thankfully, there are many ways you can modify your snowboarding to make this awesome pastime more of a workout. Check out some of these snowboarding exercise tips below.
Make the Hike
If you can, skip the ski lift. Take the time to walk up the slope you intend to use for snowboarding. Walking uphill with a snowboard under your arms is a great aerobic activity. You’ll be able to increase your muscle mass and stamina through simply making it a point to walk up to the top of your slope. Make it a goal to do this the first and last ride of your day.
Go for Long Session
Exercise experts believe snowboarding can burn up to 450 calories per hour. This means you can burn some serious calories simply through staying out on the slopes longer. To be able to stay out longer, plan ahead and pack some energy gels and drinks to keep you moving. Contact your ski rental and make sure you’ll have a board for the whole day. Also, resist the temptation to perform crazy tricks. You don’t want to risk any injury. Simply snowboard throughout the day by taking it fast and easy on the slopes over and over again.
Focus on Your Core
Are you interested in getting those stunning abdominal muscles you see on the covers of fitness magazines? If you are, focus on your core muscles while you snowboard. Pay attention to how you contract your muscles to keep yourself balanced. Doing this consistently will strengthen your core, and with proper diet, it will ultimately help those beautiful abdominal muscles show their ridges and bumps.
Try Those Obstacles
Attempting to steer your snowboard around simple obstacles can help increase your flexibility. Your body will need to bend in all sorts of different directions in order to maintain your balance on your snowboard. Plan a few runs with this in mind. In time, your flexibility with improve.
Snowboarding can be a great way to stay in shape. Take the time to follow the exercise tips above, and you will be able to enjoy a great workout every time you grab your snowboard! If you don’t own a snowboard, don’t forget you can easily grab one for yourself at an Aspen ski rental place.