Keep your Password Top Secret
Changing passwords often help in protecting your account even if inadvertently you may have disclosed it to someone. When you create your password, make it at least 8 characters long. Include at least one capital letter, one number (0-8 or 9) and one special character (like @, #, $, etc.). This makes the password very difficult to crack.
Never use Cyber Cafes
PCs at cyber cafes may be infested with viruses and Trojans that can capture and transmit your personal data to fraudsters. The easiest way to grab information is key logging software, which record all the keystrokes you typed, to be retrieved later for fraudulent usage. Beware of typing passwords on unknown PCs.
Avoid Clicking Emails
No financial institution worth their salt will send you an email asking you to provide any of your login details. If you receive an email that appears to be from your bank that asks for such details, then treat it with suspicion as it may well be a phishing attempt to trick you into handing your credentials over. Likewise, be aware of links in emails that appear to be from your bank – this is a trick often employed by the bad guys to get you onto a website that looks like your bank. When you log in to ‘your account’ they will steal your username and password and, ultimately, your cash.
Beware of Questionable Emails
Crooks may also send you emails asking for your personal information such as a password or pin. As we noted earlier, as time goes by, they get smarter and smarter. They have designed fake bank logos and use them when sending you an email; you may be easily lured to give personal information. You can detect fake emails from these crooks because their emails usually direct you to questionable internet sites. In addition, you will notice that they do not address you as you are used to being called by your bank. The emails may also contain poor grammar.
General Security
Over your personal computer, such as virus protection and physical access controls should be used and updated regularly. Contact your hardware and software suppliers, or Internet service provider, to ensure you have the latest in security updates.
Never Share Usernames, Passwords, etc.
No bank will ever request for you to send personal information over e-mail. Never send your username, password, PIN, account information, credit card, etc. over e-mail. E-mail is unencrypted and if intercepted by a third-party could be read. It’s also often stored on a server, that server was to become compromised the attacker could read that email with your personal information.