Porsche, manufacturers of one of the most amazing sports cars in the world. The word Porsche will bring people a different sign of enthusiasm in them. They way they look at us when they hear the word Porsche, is quite amazing. This brand Porsche stuck the hearts of people even thought they hear the sound of the car or even the car moves around them or runs near by. People identify the car as Porsche, even thought they hear the sound of the car without looking at it. This word Porsche is not just a name, its an ever green brand for all the car lovers. It is one among the cars like Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, Lamborghini and many more.
Porsche 911:
Porsche 911 is one of the fastest car ever designed on this planet. There were many cars in compete with this car, but none could beat this car in the speed. It is just dazzling and amazing. People all around the world believe that this car Porsche 911 has not changed for a Golden Jubilee, that is, for fifty years. the Porsche 911 is a German manufacturer. Caterham, of the German car is also not changed. But, this car have no more craze of this car. The other stylish car Iconic 7 has not cj=hnaged since it has manufactured in the year 1957. Since then, the car has the same engine without any change either in its shape or speed.
The British automakers have announced that, they are going to bring a new car into the market named as 7. It is the only model of the British automakers with Aero Seven concept. Hence the name of the car 7 acquired. This concept is being taken to aim at the barely street legal track toys, Ariel Atom and KTM XBow, which attempted to look like the original 7 of this century.
This car 7, is more unmatched when compared to when compared to the Classic 7. The Classic 7 is a pure raw, with the engine up front, a manual transmission in the middle and power is delivered to the rear wheels. The weight of the Classic 7 how ever beats 1200 pounds, where as a squat piece plexi glass barely functions as a windshield. The only thing which will protect you from the elements is nailing the throttle. The 7 is more dazzling as a motorcycle for the two wheel averse and it is the four wheeled idea of actually what the founder of Lotus, Mr. Colin Chapman envisioned that to simplify first and add lightness later as a remark.
The stylish Aero Seven looks same like its barebones predecessor, save the ovoid front grille that is not so subtle nod to the past. The body of the Aero Seven is shaped in the wind tunnel by its Formula 1 teammates and is developed with full of carbon fiber, with a lightweight weave passing to the passenger compartment, which is also made up of two bare carbon seats, a steering wheel,a shofter, few buttons and a center mounted screen to keep some stuff on the engine.
Hence, the British automaker is coming up with a stylish and a Formula 1 car as Aero Seven.