Your veins carry blood to the heart. Veins especially in legs have to work extra hard to pump the blood against gravity. This is done via a valve, which is present inside the veins. This is a one way valve that lets easy flow of blood to the heart. However, due to any reason the valve starts mis-functioning, it can cause varicose or spider veins in an individual.
Basic information about varicose and spider veins:
- They are generally blue, red or blueish-red colored veins.
- They appear to be bulging out from the body and look meshed and tangled.
- They are generally found on the thighs, legs or back.
- Due to the pressure exerted on the vein walls during pregnancy, varicose veins can also occur near the vagina or the buttocks.
- Spider veins are comparatively smaller and closer to the surface of the skin.
- They can look like a tree or a spider web, which gives its name.
- They can be found anywhere on the body and can cover a large or a small area of it.
- Weak or damaged vein valves are the main reason behind varicose veins.
- Arteries supply the blood from the heart to various parts of the body. The veins bring that blood back to the heart. In body parts like leg, which require pumping of blood against gravity valves can malfunction.
- Spider veins can be caused by exposure to the sun, injuries and hormonal changes. They are generally caused by backup of blood.
- Old people can develop varicose veins due to loss of elasticity of their veins.
- Some people also have varicose veins as a hereditary problem. Not much can be done to resolve such cases.
Factors affecting varicose veins:
- Age: As you grow old, your body loses its elasticity. Due to this, the valves present in the veins might malfunction and cause varicose veins.
- Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy or menopause can cause varicose veins too. Taking pills like birth control pills that alter the hormonal cycle can also cause this problem.
- History: People with weak veins are more prone to varicose veins. Having family members with the same problem increases your chances of having varicose veins.
- Obesity: Obese people need to pump more blood to their heart. This exerts more pressure on the walls of the veins. This can lead to failure of valves causing varicose veins.
- Posture: Sitting or standing in the same posture for long period of time can also increases your chances of getting varicose veins. It is recommended that you should keep moving or change postures in order to avoid the problem. While sleeping, keeping your feet above the level of your head is recommended.
Spider veins are not that dangerous and do not pose a serious risk. Varicose veins may or may not cause any problems. In some cases, it may lead to itching, pain or discomfort. You may visit vein treatment Los AngelesĀ if you are having any symptoms of varicose veins in order to get complete medical care.