The economic impact of the Burning Man festival held in the desert of Nevada is quite significant. According to the reliable source, most of the businesses hope that the festival would result in increase of sale of various types of legal products including hats, portable barbecues, sunscreen, and bottled water. On the other hand, the festival also promotes a number of illegal products that is used during the festival to a large extent.
The most demanded item during the period is recreational vehicles or RVs that is available in various shapes and sizes. Sources informed that most of the recreational vehicle rental companies of Dublin area are usually sold out.
In the words of Joe Lane, the director of marketing for EI Monte RV that has a branch in Dublin, the time of festival is perhaps the busiest period of the year for their company. He informed that all their locations in the west of Mississippi become busy as the effect of the festival, Burning Man. Most of their drivers are busy to move their vehicles towards the festival city.
Joe Lane stated that their company would have hired 750 to 900 RVs to the attendees of Burning Man. He also informed that the rental cost depends on various factors including the distance of the renter from the event. However, it is worthy to mention, stated Lane, the vehicles are usually 22 to 35 feet long and have space for five to eight people and the costs of their RVs usually ranges from $200 to $500 per day.
This year edition of Burning man is going to be held from Monday to September 2. The art theme of the festival is “Cargo Cult”. Like most of the other things in festival, the themes are also subject to interpretation that Lane opines allow various types of people to come in to rent.
It is notable that besides the drivers, numerous people have to use and clean the RVs after completion of the festival. Lane informed that last year they found a full broadsword in a RV and tried their best to contact the renters so that they can return it, but failed to get in response from renter’s side.
At Emerald Glen Park of Dublin the wine and food festival will celebrate on September 21. The Testing Pavilion is featured with samples of food from various restaurants of distinct locations. Approximately 15 wineries of Livermore participate in the program and available to visitors from 1 to 6 pm. Sources informed that entertainment program of the end with a closing concert at 6:30pm. It is also informed that fireworks would announce the closure of the festival.
According to reliable source, visitors of last year experienced extremely hot temperature within the main tent of the ground. To avoid this problem, the authority has installed air condition this year. In addition to this, the authority has declared to buy the entry pass of the Testing Pavilion in advance for $25 that would be even effective than purchasing passport at the door worth $30.