7 Warning Signs Your Car Needs a Repair

No one enjoys car repairs, but they are often necessary to keep your vehicle running correctly. How can you tell if your car needs a repair? Here are seven warning signs to watch out for. If you notice any of these issues with your car, it’s time to take it to a mechanic and have… Continue reading 7 Warning Signs Your Car Needs a Repair

5 Reasons Why You Need to Regularly Wash Your Car

Regular car washing is an important part of keeping your vehicle in the best condition possible. Not only can it help you maintain its value and appearance, but it also helps keep its mechanical components in top shape. Regularly washing your car can be a hassle, but it’s well worth the effort for the many… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Need to Regularly Wash Your Car

Drive Your Business At Full Speed With Automotive CRM

Modern car dealers, manufacturers, and auto-service centers need reliable and functional customer relationship management and business process management systems, as such solutions help them maintain good relations with their buyers and sales leads. In this highly competitive and changeable market, it is impossible to survive without such software, as it streamlines the company’s workflows, removes… Continue reading Drive Your Business At Full Speed With Automotive CRM

Precautionary Car Care Tips You Should Know

It gets very troublesome and exhausting if you get stuck somewhere in the middle of your way just because your darling car has stopped working. In order to stay away from such difficult and tedious situations it is important to maintain your car. Regular maintenance keeps your car healthy and also increases its life span.… Continue reading Precautionary Car Care Tips You Should Know

Steps To Take When You Are Involved In A Car Accident

After a car accident occurs, it can be difficult to remain calm and think clearly due to the emotional and physical trauma involved. There is often damage and injuries that occur, making it important to take the necessary steps to ensure that the situation is handled well. Learn what to do in the event of… Continue reading Steps To Take When You Are Involved In A Car Accident

Stay In Gear: 5 Most Critical Aspects Of Car Maintenance

Properly taking care of your vehicle involves more than just filling up the gas tank. Failing to give your car the necessary maintenance compromises its overall performance and longevity. Here are the five most critical aspects of car maintenance. Engine Belts The engine belts are vital engine components. Over time, the engine belts are susceptible… Continue reading Stay In Gear: 5 Most Critical Aspects Of Car Maintenance

5 Additions You Should Consider Making To Your Vehicle

Living in the 21st century is often equal to living a life of luxury. With all of the various forms of technology and new gadgets being made it is easy to live a life of luxury and convenience, even while on the road. Technology has been a great asset for cars over the years making… Continue reading 5 Additions You Should Consider Making To Your Vehicle

Important Safety Features To Look For When Buying A Used Car

Buying a used car allows you to take advantage of lower prices and avoid the bulk of new car depreciation. Today’s models are built to last; so many slightly used cars carry many of the same electronic features and amenities that you’d find in a brand new model. However, there is also some degree of… Continue reading Important Safety Features To Look For When Buying A Used Car

Driving + Texting= A Very Bad Idea

Most countries around the world have recognised the fact that sending a text message while driving isn’t a particularly sensible idea, and have subsequently made this practise illegal. A study by the US based Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that drivers who were sending a text message while driving were a whopping 23.2 times more… Continue reading Driving + Texting= A Very Bad Idea

Used Automobile Dealers Facing Tough Market Amid New Car Competition

Years ago, it appeared that purchasing a used automobile was a prudent and practical thing to do because it was much more affordable compared to acquiring a brand new vehicle. Fast forward to 2013, industry experts concur that used car dealerships are having a difficult time in this market as potential car owners are shifting… Continue reading Used Automobile Dealers Facing Tough Market Amid New Car Competition