The wide choice of web hosting providers is beneficial but sometimes it leads to scammers or poor professionals. Luckily, you always have a right of choice. Liquid Web is a good alternative to your usual web hosting provider. If you have never heard of this company, you must familiarize with its pros and cons first.
Brief Information about LiquidWeb
LiquidWeb is one of the most experienced web hosting providers – it has been working since 1997. It has already proven its high qualification in the dedicated hosting. In fact, the company specializes in managed hosting, which includes WordPress hosting, enterprise, HIPAA, PCI compliant, cloud, and hybrid hosting. You can read review of other WordPress hosting companies and compare the benefits on your own.
It can boast of the impressive circulation of the clients – 30,000 clients worldwide entrust their website maintenance to this experienced company. People are applying for web hosting services of different prices.
You can choose fully managed dedicated hosting services for $200 per month, VPS hosting for $1.70 per month, cloud sites for $150 per month or managed WordPress hosting for $120 per month. Comparing with many other web hosting services, the prices are quite adequate, though some clients still can’t afford their services.
The clients, though, claim about the good quality of the services and say that the prices are justified.
Benefits for Clients
The company usually emphasizes on the 20 years of experience and is sure that this fact defines the high quality of the services. Though it’s wrong, the company really shows good results and the best proof for this are the reviews from the satisfied clients.
The company also promises 100% uptime and free migrations. It means that you can change your web hosting provider without any problems. Furthermore, as well as many other services, LiquidWeb offers 24/7 support. This option is especially handy as breakdowns usually tend to happen in the most inappropriate time. So, web hosting providers should be available all the time. Even certain minutes sometimes make sense.
The service also has Sonar Monitoring system. A qualified team monitors your server 24/7 in order to fix the breakdowns immediately. A company promises: if something occurs, it will fix it promptly.
Web Hosting That Suits You
The company promises lots of benefits and tempting offers. Still, the discounts are a rare event and some clients point out that not always a support team manages to reply on time. Nevertheless, such weak sides will be considered by the company soon and clients will never face them again.
In fact, the company offers a usual set of services, except the fact that it specializes in the dedicated hosting initially. The main advantage of the company is a long stay on the market. Its specialists know what is better and what you need. This fact makes Liquid Web to become a worthy web hosting alternative.
Despite the tiny inaccuracies, Liquid Web is a solid choice if you need a reliable web hosting service.