The millennial generation has gotten a bit of a bad reputation as a generation that abandons hard work, looks for the faster and easier path to success, and just doesn’t have “it” the way that previous generations did – and a lot of folks blame the rapid advance of amazing technological solutions because of it.
According to a new survey by Project: Time Off, millennial employees – and especially millennial entrepreneurs – probably describe themselves as “work martyrs” and are a lot more likely to work overtime, a lot more likely to work off the clock, and a lot more likely to use almost none of their vacation time compared to any of the other employees from different generations that they are working with.
43% of “work martyrs” are millennials compared to 29% of all other generations
While this survey isn’t exactly the most scientific way to highlight just how hardworking the millennial generation is, it is definitely revealing that the millennial generation feels that they are the hardest working, feels that they dedicate the most time to their job, and feel that they don’t want to become replaceable far more than employees of any other generation working alongside them.
On top of that, the research does show that the millennial generation is a lot less likely to take advantage of unused vacation days. 24% of millennials compared to 19% of Generation Xers and 17% of Baby Boomers feel absolutely no worry whatsoever giving up unused vacation days without any compensation.
Millennial workers obsess about work
And while some report that the millennial generation is only this “gung ho” about work because they are younger and less disenfranchised with the rat race and the whole 9-5 scheme, the truth of the matter is the millennial generation has also shown time and time again that they are almost obsessed with work and obsessed with their careers (and really identify by the work that they do) in a way that past generations simply didn’t.
A millennial worker is far more likely to strive for positions at influential companies, socially aware companies, and upstart companies in a way that previous generations just didn’t care for, but they also more heavily invested in their own personal identities and tie them to do these positions and these companies in a way that previous generations didn’t, either.
It’s a very interesting combination of personality traits that make the millennial generation so hard to fully understand. But even from the outside looking in – and only looking at the raw numbers – with the millennial generation making up nearly half the workforce already and with 25% of all management positions filled by this generation, it’s easy to see that this generation is in the loafers that previous generations would like to describe them as.
It’ll be interesting to see how the future shakes out with this millennial generation and future generations that come along afterward, and it’s clear that the world of work is rapidly changing in a way that history hasn’t ever seen before.
About the Author
Morris Edwards is a content writer at CompanyRegistrationinSingapore.com.sg, he writes different topics like Singapore is better positioned than any other Asian country to cash in on an increasingly digital world and Singapore Has Established a Lucrative Innovation Fund for New Enterprises and all topics related to Entrepreneurship, Tech and Business and Company Incorporation in Singapore.