Are you a Jet Ski newbie? Have no fear, after you get the basics down you will be able to do cool tricks in no time with this helpful guide. You’ll be able to get down some basic tricks to impress your friends and they will never know that you just learned them on your own. Some of these tricks can be mastered in as little as just a few hours. You might fall off the Jet Ski before (and while) you’re learning these tricks, but with a little practice you’ll be able to do these tricks without falling into the water.
The most important thing to do when practicing Jet Ski tricks for the first time is to wear a lifejacket. That way if anything happens to you while you are trying to do Jet Ski tricks, you will stay afloat. It is also helpful to have someone watching to be able to call for help or come to your aid if an unforeseen accident occurs. Also, make sure you’re wearing your Jet Ski safety key if or when you fall off the Jet Ski turns off.
The first basic trick that is easy to teach yourself is the bunny hop. This is best to try with just one person on your jet ski, unless you’re trying to throw someone off. It basically involves dipping the nose of the Jet Ski just below the water and then hitting the throttle causing the Jet Ski to “hop” over the water slightly. To start out, stand up on the Jet Ski and shift your weight to the front of the Jet Ski by jumping with your weight while leaning forward. Once the nose of the Jet Ski dips underwater, no more than a foot, then throttle the power hard and hold on tight so you don’t fall off as your Jet Ski hops across the water. Once you perfect this skill it can really come in handy for jumping over debris in the water if need be.
That trick is more impressive for close up viewers as well as for you to do since it’s fun. However, if you want to try a simple trick, barefooting is really easy trick that looks really impressive to viewers. Simply slide your foot a bit in the water when you are riding on a smooth water surface such as a lake or a bay. This will make a big splash that will look impressive as you are riding to people who are watching from a distance. Just don’t lean too far or put your foot in too much because then you will be at risk for falling in or tipping your Jet Ski over.
These are just two very simple tricks to start out as a beginner. Once you become more familiar with your Jet Ski you will be able to advance to more impressive skills. Never try anything you uncomfortable with if you aren’t taking the proper safety precautions.
Written by Carey Wooldrige, owner of Yacht Club Powersports. Based out of the Lake of the Ozarks, Yacht Club Powersports is one of the leading SeaDoo dealers Missouri has to offer! They also carry a great selection of Can Am ATV’s and Motorcycles!