When you’re planning the design for your home, you will of course want to make sure that it is completely on trend with what is hot at the moment. The great news is that there are some wonderful trends that are popular so far in 2015, and this means that you have a number of choices when it comes to the type of thing that you choose to put in your home. This article contains a number of ideas for you if you are the type of person who loves to follow trends, and who wants a home to be proud of.
1) Vibrant Colours
Even as recent as a few years ago, interior design was all about dark and simple colours, like blacks and greys. Now, however, there has been a huge shift to include bright and vibrant colours, and this gives you the chance to really bring some life into the room that you’re designing. Unusual colours such as bright green are particularly prominent, and it is a popular choice to make a feature wall from one or more of these colours. Following this particular trend is sure to bring a lot of energy into your home, to say the least!
2) Artistic Focal Points
You might not be an antique dealer, but feature items are fast becoming very popular, whether they are genuine antiques or items that are made to look like them. Retro items can look great right in the middle of a modern room, and a trip to a flea market can bring out loads of ideas for you to choose from. You are certain to find something that would fit, no matter what room you are designing in your home.
3) Add a Metallic Twist
When it comes to metal, various types have come in and out of fashion over the past few decades. At the moment, however, brass is in fashion, meaning that it is a great idea to opt for it as a feature in your room. Whether you want to use it as a focal point, or whether you would rather be more subtle and use brass handles on your furniture, it can create a great feel for your room, leaving you wanting to spend a lot of time in there.
4) Think About Animals
Having animals as a part of your design is nothing new – designers have been using animals and animal prints for centuries, however 2015 is the year of the squid, and as a result of this, this animal in particular has become more popular than ever. You have the option of using it subtly or as a centrepiece to your room – either is likely to draw attention from guests who come to your home.
Ultimately, 2015 is a great year for interior design. Some of the popular trends are likely to steal the limelight for a long time to come, which is why it is great to use them in your home. You are sure to enjoy your designing, and you can create a home to be proud of.