In a big tradeshows, we could be only one among hundreds or even thousands of other participatants. A big problem in a big tradeshow that’s we find it difficult to stand out on the tradeshow floor. In this case, we should make sure that our representation in the tradeshows can be make compelling and powerful. There are thousands of people who are attempting to sell their products and services; so we should know how to become stand out; while being known by potential buyers. As people constantly move in tradeshows, we could have only about 5 seconds to attract their attention. Text should be short enough to reduce reading time, while oversized graphics can be used to compel people to turn their heads and see them. In tradeshows, it is effective to grab attention with interesting images. The staff should also be prepared to answer all questions in a short time and in an interesting way. In general, the booth should represent our corporate identity.
Before a big tradeshow, our company should be well-prepared. In this case, we should be able to maintain logistics, coordinate schedules, plan sales strategy and implement them properly. Each company could come up with their own unique, perfect exhibition solutions. With maximum exposure, we should be able to obtain maximum results with minimum resources. Today, marketing professionals can be significantly burdened in tradeshows. The exhibits should be able to communicate the brand of the company, while specific marketing objectives can be achieved. In many cases, we need to deal with lack of leads. However, we should know that attending a tradeshow isn’t enough. There should be a powerful plan of attack and we need to be able to implement it. We should hit the ideal customer base hard, so we will get the most impact, in terms of sales leads and actual sales. We should determine what kind of sales tools that allow us to reach our customers.
We should respond and follow up initial interactions with potential buyers. In this case, we will be able to maintain long-term relationship. The sales effort doesn’t end with the tradeshow. We should have a list of prospective buyers that we can contact. We could send them additional marketing material through email or normal mail. Effective follow up is very critical after the show, but it is often neglected. After that, we should delver things that have been promised, if possible, in a timely manner. Any correspondence with potential buyers should include latest products and other news. We should allow enough time, about one week, for each stage of the correspondence. Whateverm we should be able to maintain contact on an ongoing basis. Eventually, people will take into account our information and they could eventually proceed with the favorable buying decision. Tradeshow anxiety could also result in ineffective performance. Instead of being worried, we should be busy with creating plans and trying to implement them. We should find our weak points and try to solve them.