It’s a sad state of affairs when your apartment is really sad and lame and no one wants to come visit you. It’s really a bummer and I know how hard that can be. There are things you can do and things you can’t do, like just wait until you win the lottery. Particularly if you don’t even play the lottery. But if you do want to take matters into your own hands, then you have to go ahead and spruce up your place so that members of the opposite sex may want to come over and see what’s what with you. Here are some tips into how to turn that bad situation into a good situation.
You need some better furniture first of all. The hand me down couches and tables you’ve been stuffing into your car and moving from apartment to apartment for the last few decades have got to go. You may think that you have no way of doing that and you can’t even fit new stuff from IKEA into your car, but if you’re really ready to make a change, you have to stop making excuses and starting acting on what you can act on. For example there are truck rentals places that you can use to get a truck or some larger vehicle in order to make a day of it. You don’t just get a rental and then try to shop, but if you plan ahead you can get a whole bunch of pieces of furniture ready to be picked up, then on the day, you rent a van and you go on the run, stuffing the van full of furniture and then over night your place is new and nicer. It’s an easy solution and won’t even cost you that much money.
Also, you need to not have posters tacked to the walls. Remember college? That’s when it was okay to tape or tack posters or other things to the walls. But when you’re an adult, things on the walls must absolutely have a frame, or they will look terrible and you don’t want these things to look terrible. It’s all about covering up the bad with good, or putting a frame on something bad to make it look good. It doesn’t have to be that hard or expensive, in fact, any lame little frame you get from Target or Wal-mart will be fine. A little will go a long way.
Lastly, when you’re trying to spruce up your place, you want to make sure it smells okay and is clean. Give your place a good cleaning. Even if that means throwing away some rugs, or moving everything out into the hall. Open those windows and get some fresh in there. And if you have cats, forget about it, no matter what you do, there’ll be an animal pooping in your apartment. In that circumstance you can’t win.