In modern times, many people are rushed to get things done, and are looking for ways to get items quicker. The ability to print them in 3D gives us the convenience to do just that. It has changed how we do a lot of tasks, and the world of business has taken notice.
The following information will show you some of the many ways in which 3D printing has changed people’s lives. Once you understand the new abilities, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
How Will 3D Printing Change Your Life?
Three dimensional (or 3D) printers have changed lives in so many ways. According to brilliance.com, these machines offer new opportunities that were once thought of as impossible. They give you the ability to print several different figures using materials including plastic, metal, nylon, and many others.
How Does It Work?
3D printers use digital files, and create objects layer by layer merging each piece until it looks exactly the way you want. It also uses additive manufacturing by adding material only when needed. This removes the need for cutting, which means nothing goes to waste.
The 3D Printing Industry Is Booming
The 3D printing industry has become very successful. Some estimate its value will increase by as much as $20 million in the next five years. It will also become prevalent in the industrial process.
The medical field has already taken notice. Implants and prosthetics are being created using “bio-printing” – a process that includes living cells to help make new human tissue. It is still in the research stage. However, the process has become so popular that experts predict that it will go mainstream in a few years.
Jewelry Industry
People in the jewelry business have also found this method to be useful to make custom 3D printed jewelry. Previously, people had to “carve wax models from solid blocks”, which required more time, and served fewer customers. However, 3D printing (along with CAD technology) allows jewelers to make more-details waxes. The new abilities increase opportunities, and revolutionizes the casting process.
These printers have also made it easier to shop. If you want something that isn’t available in a store, you no longer have to wait. You can either print it in your own home or order it. Then, you can send the order to a local shop that will print it for you.
School instructors are also benefitting from 3D printers. Teachers are now able to obtain 3D models of important figures, and other projects, that will assist them in giving their lessons. Doing so allows them to give their students better visuals than were not available in prior years.
Builders are also using them to create housing materials. Doing so is efficient, and not too expensive. The finished products are a great way to build low-income housing, which are also eco-friendly.
The Environment
Speaking of the ecosystem, products created from 3D printers can also be recycled. In addition, these machines also create less energy, and pollution, which is great for the environment, as well as your utility bill. As any business owner will tell you, any cost-cutting method is beneficial to the company.
Transforming Business
Several companies are benefitting from these machines. As Forbes explains, clothes, and other wearable items are now created by 3D printers. In fact, Feetz – a San Diego shoe company – prints shoes based on a customer’s foot measurements. They can be entered into the app, which sends the information directly to the company. Doing this reduces the number of shoes made, which also lowers their carbon footprint.
Another company, OwnPhones, created a KickStarter campaign that will help fund their custom-fit earbuds. In addition, some dental businesses are using these machines to make invisible braces. So, as you can see, the process has become more popular, and in-demand, by business owners, and their customers.
The process of 3D printing has changed the way several companies, and workers, do business. From jewelers, and doctors to teachers, and shoemakers, there is no telling what other industry will benefit from them. Within the next five years, more industries will be revolutionized, and their opportunities will be endless.