The modern lifestyle, though necessary, often causes various diseases as the byproducts. To know how a fruit diet is related to such diseases, we need to have a quick overview about what these diseases are. This article shall deal with diabetes specifically.
Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is not a single disease. It’s a group or condition wherein several metabolic dysfunctions take place, thereby causing high blood glucose/ sugar. The main reason behind this is the lack of insulin production in the body or because the insulin produced is not used by the body. The main symptoms are- polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger). There are mainly 3 variations of this disease:
- TYPE 1
Where body does not produce insulin. This type of diabetes is called juvenile diabetes and often develops during teenage or early adulthood.
- TYPE 2
Body does not produce insulin enough for body functioning or cells do not react to insulin. Overweight and obese people have a higher chance of developing this.
- Type 3
This is gestational diabetes and affects women during pregnancy due to high levels of glucose in blood.
Now, it’s a common myth that diabetic people should not eat fruits because of the high sugar content. But this is a common misconception. Most fruits, especially those rich in fibers, help in reducing and controlling the blood sugar level. The sugar in fruits is called fructose. Unlike the normal sucrose, fructose has a low glycemic index. The fruits prescribed for diabetic patients generally have high fiber and low sugar content. Also diabetic patients should always have raw fruit instead of cooked fruit. The most beneficial fruits foe diabetes can be listed as:
Berries (Wild/Organic) – For all seasons.
- Avocados
In spring, it is rich in Vitamin A, B & E and also has high antioxidant levels
- Figs
In autumn, they have got the essential minerals especially potassium, calcium and iron. But dried figs should be avoided at any cost because of high sugar content.
- Pomegranates
In winter, they are richest in anti-oxidants.
- Apples
In late spring and autumn, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
The most important thing to remember is that any fruit that is eaten should be fresh, local and in season. And then there is the question of fruit juice. It is very important to remember that diabetes patients should never drink any juice produced from concentrate. Concentrates are dilutes fruit syrups and are never natural. They are never pure and may contain high sugar levels. Even juices that boast of high vitamin and mineral contents are poison for diabetic patients because they also contain high sugar levels.
If proper care is taken, fruits with low sugar content are actually good for the health of diabetic people. It is always better to eat fruit is the solid form rather than having juices because, firstly, it is rich in fiber and, secondly, it is not in a concentrated form. Always have the locally grown fruits instead of imported ones since they are the ones in season and are fresh. Well then if you are a diabetic person, do not fear to have a fresh fruit. Have a fruit and live healthy. Cheers…