There are always sporting events to look forward to and enjoy every year but now that we are in 2016, sports fans have a lot to look forward to. One of the biggest events of the year is definitely the Euro 2016 tournament taking place in France. All of the home nations apart from Scotland have qualified for the big football celebration but the Republic of Ireland have managed to book their place so there will be plenty for fans in the UK and surrounding areas to cheer. The fact that France is not too far away means that plenty of people will be heading over to the tournament.
Some people will be heading to France with the distinct aim of cheering on their team while other people will be looking to join in with the party. Plenty of football fans like the idea of taking in a game and enjoying the fan zones and atmosphere of these events. Major footballing tournaments are generally very well run, creating a great atmosphere in and around the events, while there are plenty of activities and events to join in with. There may be some restriction placed on the freedom to travel around due to recent terrorist attacks in mainland Europe but on the whole, there will be plenty of football fans heading to France this June and July.
A High Demand for Tickets for Euro 2016
This means that there is going to be a high level of demand for tickets. Tickets have already been placed on sale and a lot of fans know the games that they are attending. There will be a further official sale from UEFA for tickets for the big tournament but if you are desperate to get a ticket for a particular match, it is likely that you may have to look elsewhere to find the match ticket you are looking for. As we move closer to the leading football tournament this summer, you’ll find that there will be no shortage of people or websites looking to sell tickets for the big game.
Some sites will offer travel packages with tickets included, some sites may offer hotel and match-ticket packages and there will be plenty of places where you can grab tickets for the game of your choosing. The vast majority of these tickets will be genuine and legitimate, which is good news for football fans. They may have to pay slightly over the odds to get their hands on the tickets they want but knowing that they can get the briefs for the big game is always going to be of comfort and benefit to the vast majority of football fans and punters.
There are Many Ways in which Ticket Fraud can Take Place
Sadly though, there will be some people out to make money on the back of the big football tournament this summer and one way in which people will do this will come on the back of ticket touting. Some tickets may be genuine with a grossly inflated fee but these are the least of the worries for some fans. There will be some fans that pay money for tickets only to find that their tickets don’t arrive or that the person selling doesn’t the ticket doesn’t turn up at the arranged meeting place. There may even be people who pay their money only to find that they receive fake tickets. These tickets may look real to the untrained eye but by the time the buyer gets to the stadium, the false nature of the ticket will be made very clear to them.
This is a major risk of buying tickets and intelligence reports indicate that fake tickets and ticket touting is likely to be one of the biggest causes for concern when it comes to fraud in 2016. The big football event taking place in France is the ideal place for some ticket touts to attend and try and make money from. Sadly, there will be plenty of football fans who experience a disappointing summer this year, and it won’t be just down to the fact that their team lost.
Anyone involved with ticket touting or ticket fraud this summer will find that they need the best standard of support and representation. This is where being able to call on the support and guidance of the best standard of fraud solicitors can make a huge difference. This summer will hopefully be a fun one for football fans but some supporters may not enjoy everything that they receive.
Andrew Reilly is a freelance writer with a focus on news stories and consumer interest articles. He has been writing professionally for 9 years but has been writing for as long as he can care to remember. When Andrew isn’t sat behind a laptop or researching a story, he will be found watching a gig or a game of football.