Sports tend to be violent and dirty. Convince girls to do sports could be a challenge. But, it is possible.
How to encourage Girls to do Sports
You should make sure that they have a good experience in sports before. It is important because you need to convince them to do something. When they have trauma in sports, it will be hard to do because they will reject to do it again and experience the same thing.
Convincing girls to do sports will not be same as boys. It seems that the role of culture applies on sports to girls. They usually struggle to engage in sports because culturally they will be treated just the way it is. From the statement of Dr. Jen Meade, the situation is taken from how a girl as the softball player at Bridgewater State. She stated that a girl “has to make achoice between doing what is the culturally expected of her and doing what she really wants and loves, and what is she is very good at.” The situation in encouraging girls in sports will be different with boys. Understanding the situation will help the girls to do the sports and participate in games.
It is better to convince the girls to do sport while they are still akid. The sports kid-centric will help to convince women to do sports. From Dr. Justine Siegal’s statement, she called for adults to give the sport back to children so they can enjoy it and want to participate.
Pointing out several female athletes who are successful to the girls will help to convince them to do the same. If they know that girls can be a successful athlete, they will be interesting to do the same or at least it will give them a role model. Sometimes, people want to do something because they have an idol and they want to be like her.
Introducing sports to girls since early age will help to encourage them to be interesting in sport. Ms. Rebekah SplaineSalwasser said that sports are getting deleted from kids’ lives. She thought that it is very important that they have options and opportunities to play sports when they are still young. They will feel the comfort and confident about their bodies. It will help them to keep on doing sports until they are teenagers or adults.
Girls mostly do not like sports because they do not have the same opportunity as boys. The equity will help encourage girls in sports. If you are sports coach for girls, you should make sure that they are given the same opportunities as boys. It is also important when both girls and boys have the same space.
Giving positive expectations for girls will have the girls to be interesting in sports. It will be helpful when it comes from coaches. Not matter what gender the coach is, when she or he coaches a female sports team, they need to expect girls to do things and give the positive feedback. The coaches cannot think that girls cannot work as hard as the boys in sport.