Drive Your Business At Full Speed With Automotive CRM

Advantages of Automotive CRM

Modern car dealers, manufacturers, and auto-service centers need reliable and functional customer relationship management and business process management systems, as such solutions help them maintain good relations with their buyers and sales leads. In this highly competitive and changeable market, it is impossible to survive without such software, as it streamlines the company’s workflows, removes the gap between what clients expect and what the organization offers, cuts the costs, and increases the ROI.

Bpm’online is an automotive CRM system based on cloud computing architecture, which is armed with out-of-the-box tools and solutions for successful client tracking, lead generation, and prospect capturing. This BPM software helps dealerships and manufacturers manage their internal and external projects, assign tasks to the team members, and manage costs. BPM’online CRM software for this industry area lets enterprises forecast future sales based on the multiple criteria and analyze the overall efficiency of the business. You can get additional information about bpm’online CRM on the vendor’s official website and from other sources.

Drive Your Business At Full Speed With Automotive CRM

Advantages of Automotive CRM

The key features of bpm’online and its benefits for automotive enterprises are described in every detail at As for the common advantages the platforms of the kind offer to car manufacturers, dealers, and auto-services, they are as follows:

  • Enabling companies to work in their industry while increasingly improving their relationships with partners and suppliers. Having implemented an automotive CRM solution, organizations get the opportunity to cooperate with the car dealers in a highly efficient manner. All the essential data between the two enterprises is synchronized, and their employees have free access to it at any time. Besides, business process management software brings down the level of competition, as the suppliers gain the upper hand to deal with the global market.
  • The platforms of the kind provide organizations with advanced helpdesk solutions. With automotive CRM, you can handle multiple deals, book new or used cars, modify client data from the single screen, and so on. You get the opportunity to create commercial offers at a moment’s notice, as all the data on the vehicle and the buyer is stored in the test drive report.
  • BPM tools can enhance the process of lead management. Having implemented the platform of the kind, dealers and auto-services get the ability to respond to their customer’s inquiries with more complete information. For instance, they can demonstrate their potential purchasers the description of the car, its photos, corresponding brochures and instructions, as well as the details about similar models. Besides, automotive CRM lets enterprises track the client’s response to the offer and compile administration reports as a matter of course.
  • BPM systems guarantee accurate data storage. Your enterprise will be able to save your contact information throughout all the steps of interaction with the customer. The platform can match buyers’ names to their phone numbers and addresses, update the information when a person changes his/her place of living or working, validate email addresses, and perform a number of other tasks.
  • CRM provides careful monitoring of the company’s showrooms. It always lets you check the document management system automatically at the end of the working day, so that you could see all the changes of your inventory. For example, if a car has been sold, it is necessary to make the corresponding changes on the server. Thus, BPM software will help you get assured that you haven’t lost sight of anything and there is everything all right with the showrooms. .
  • With automotive CRM, you benefit from improved tracking of your team’s overall performance. The software enables you to monitor the purchase funnel, evaluate your employees’ work in both qualitative and quantitative terms, analyze the overall efficiency of the business, and make changes when necessary. Using the control panel and the automatic daily record logs, you will be able to make correct marketing-related decisions and quickly implement all necessary remedial steps.