The primary question is this ambit is, if B2B marketing does not comply with B2C, is it right to implement that model? The funnel needs to be assessed in this juncture. B2C business or marketers often get way since they think that their job finished at the sales. A person evaluated and procures a boom alongside ping pong table, and the chapter closes. The B2B consumer accord does not end here. As per Demandbase, 82 per cent of revenue generated by medium and large B2B corporations comes from present customers.
The concerned marketers hold individual markets for business. Someone deciding which car to purchase definitely becomes the lead for the concerned car dealer. However, in the B2B groove, the customers are actually the stakeholders with specific needs and definite roles. They market or cater to numerous people, and not to any individual. This has propelled the need for a new approach or strategy for B2B operatives called the Company Buying Journey, or precisely, CBJ. You will find that more than 30 leaders in the current B2B digital marketing fold have cooperated together to foster a novel plan. This approach is based on cohesive research and evaluated lessons learned or gathered through years of fiscal directives and real-world exploits.
The different element of CBJ comes from the fact that it does thrive on a funnel. The model is a type of Celtic knot. The concerned customer relationships do not percolate or rotate in one direction towards a mere sale. Things don’t end here. The factors or happenings are continual as well as non-linear, which get fragmented into four primary phases. These are exploration, evaluation, purchase and experience. The CBJ concentrates on a section of people in a corporation as the customer instead of an individual. For any decision on buying, the focus is on knowing and understanding individual involvement alongside their respective needs. Behavioral elements are also important in this regard.
The CBJ strategy upholds the assimilation of companies and not just individual people. You only assess CBJ from the purview of a customer’s perspective. Each decision stars after addressing prospective or potential customer requirements. To ensure this part, the CBJ simplifies three fundamental elements for each phase. The Customer phase seeks to understand the needs of customers alongside your prospects. The Content phase responds to such needs by making an appropriate content. The Connection phase loops with content and customers simultaneously. By anticipating and addressing customer’s requirements at each phase, you can build strong accords to improve the overall performance of your business.