Everyone knows a mat is essential to yoga and meditation but the key is to select the correct type of mat, because let’s face it the last thing you want is such a basic tool holding you back. Try and stay away from mats that disrupt your flow by aiding to stickiness but at the same time don’t let your warrior pose turn into a split, material choice is a must.
Also make sure that it is durable enough to break out on any surface for a good stretch. With that being said a mat that is too thick could be unnecessarily affecting your posture and balance by providing too much cushion, it’s important to feel a connection with the earth beneath you.
Your next item that can help you on your journey as a yogi is something that is severely overlooked for its value, as an invigorating time old practice Aromatherapy; the use of essential oils through inhalation and topical application can be therapeutic to the body and mind. All natural oils are perfect for one who is looking to be closer to nature or even just for a sense of tranquility and balance.
Treating every ailment ranging from headaches, stress and even lack of willpower, essential oils provide a healthier way that can help you stay focused enough to obtain even the deepest state of peace and meditation.
Another must have item that is also part of the aromatherapy family is incense. With its relaxing quality there is no better smell than the smoky sweet aroma of whichever scent you prefer, which by the way are sold in hundreds of healing varieties. Your body as a yogi uses all its vital senses to their full capacity in meditation and yoga, it’s important to keep focus and incense can do this by enhancing your concentration.
Not only that but they have been proven to stimulate your brain increasing your creativity, putting you into a state of enlightened relaxation.
Next on our list is something that we can all appreciate as it’s a part of our everyday lives, music. A calming soundtrack can soothe the mind even at its most heightened anxiety giving it the power needed to clear your thoughts of negativity and put your body mind and spirit back into balance.
Today many different genres of music are played in group meditation and yoga including reggae, world music and electronic, but usually a soundtrack with a slow hypnotic tempo is appropriate for this sort of mental working.
Lastly what would your discipline and dedication be without the comfortable clothing to complement it? Choosing a type of clothing that can bend where you do will make flexibility even in the hardest poses a little bit easier and more comfortable. Wearing the correct clothing that is breathable and resistant to perspiration will put you at ease, instead of adding to the stresses of your day and creating a waste of energy that focuses on how uncomfortable you may feel.
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This article was written by Beckie Borchers from the www.21Drops.com blog team. Beckie enjoys traveling with her family and trying new foods.