3 Business Hacks To Free Up Office Space

With commercial real estate prices at an all time high, businesses are paying an arm and a leg on office rent. As a result, many of them, especially those who operate on a limited budget, are forced to either downsize their office spaces or relocate away from the city their regular customers.

To cope with high rent prices, companies are looking for creative ways to redesign and redefine their workspaces. Some have relocated to virtual office spaces like this West Plano Coworking Space, whereas others are investing in new technology.

There are so many ways to grow your company without expanding your office or breaking bank on rent and upkeep. Here are some of the more popular ones:

  1. Coworking

Coworking spaces provide all the benefits of a modern office minus the expensive rent, upkeep, and utility costs. Plus, a lot of them are better designed than most offices.

Compared with traditional offices, coworking spaces have been proven to increase productivity, improve work relationships, boost employee health, and raise job satisfaction. Not only that, they’re also much cheaper than maintaining your own office.

The best coworking spaces like Common Deskcome with a lot of amenities including desks, conference rooms, lounges, cafeterias, and even play areas. And did we mention they’re much cheaper than an office?

Rather than slug it out in a tight office, invest in a coworkingspace  that can help your team and save your business lots of money.

  1. Flexible Work Hours

According to SleepReviewMag, 57% of Americans hit the snooze button each day and another 57% report still feeling tired after a night’s sleep. Why? Scientists say it has to do with differences in our body clocks and sleep patterns.

When companies force their employees to adhere to a nine-to-five schedule, they miss out on a lot of productive work hours. Think about it: How many people you know are more productive at night? In the afternoon? Or even early morning?

Studies show that flexible work hours result in greater productivity, increased job satisfaction, higher levels of employee happiness, and better work-life balance.

Each person has different work habits, so it makes little sense to force them to keep the same schedule. Besides, in an already crowded office, do you really want everyone there at the same time?

Give your team flexible hours, and you’ll free up your office AND get more out of each employee. Talk about a win-win!

  1. Office Automation

Imagine if you could cut your workforce in half while increasing productivity, thereby freeing up a lot of valuable office space. Impossible? Not with office automation.

Office automation technology allows you to outsource manual tasks such as scheduling, email marketing, customer inquiries, inventory management, and even sales. Rather than spend on an extra employee or taking on too much work, let software and applications do the heavy lifting.

Here are some popular office automation to boost your productivity

Trello- for managing, scheduling, and monitoring tasks

Numerous – for keeping track of dates and important events

Google Docs / Sheets / Slides – for creating, sharing, and copy-editing office documents

A big part of growing your business is managing day-to-day operations, whether in the office or outside of it. Follow these tips now and make the most out of your workspace!

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